Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Way is Peace

Attachment Theory looks at trauma as providing an obstacle for establishing or maintaining relationships.  Trauma Theory often attempts to help the victim of trauma by listening to their story and providing an attachment of positive attention.  Helping people to move beyond the trauma into healthy relating is a difficult journey.
I was recently at a presentation on working with servicemen and women who have been traumatized by military operations.  This is a nice word for warfare.  The focus was developing a protocol for assisting the trauma victim after the fact.  I raised a question that I had never thought of before.  I thanked the presenter as it is what I enjoy about these dialogues as they create new thoughts.  The question I asked was had the military thought about being pro-active and not just reactive about this matter.  To teach soldiers about trauma and what causes trauma and how to live more peaceably internally with trauma.  This would teach soldiers about internal peace and how to avert trauma of war.  That question was met by openness of the presenter as a new thought.  A participant commented that if we taught that, that peace can be nurtured and maintained internally, it would be in conflict with military operations which is to stir up hatred and rationalize violence. I was a bit amazed.

Until we look at trauma inside and heal our internal wounds we will continue to live in a violent and chaotic world.  As has been said "peace is not the way, the way is peace".

Recently I was in a discussion group in which a presenter on the theory of attachment said that we have to help people put their trauma aside as it is overwhelming.  I asked what would happen if we could face our trauma in a good way to a good end.  Another person commented if we did that we would not have so much trauma in the world.  Interesting idea.  Maybe a key to peace is

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