Friday, April 1, 2011

Good is good enough

This is Final Four weekend.  Typical to the human propensity for a champion a winner take all orientation we will crown a Champion of NCAA College Basketball in both the women and men's divisions.  It is not good enough to be good.  We have to be better than the other guy and ultimately we have to let one be the best!  This is the win lose, winner take all paradigm of humanity.  While it can be fun in some arenas like basketball it can be catastrophic in other arenas like global violence, global famine, and oppression for the sake of succession.

Interestingly enough when God created, after each day of creation (mostly) God said it was good.  He did not say it was better.  Never did he say it was best.  There was no competitiveness just a cooperative and collaborative affirmation of goodness.  After the sixth day God did say that he looked at everything he had made and said that as they all worked together to create and sustain balance in the universe, they are very good.  Balance and harmony is about valuing everyone and everything.  Pouring value into everything and everyone.  If we all contributed to each others value as part of the human race maybe violence would cease and that would be very good.

I heard a suggestion that I though was "very good".  If everyone, when they filled out their census forms answered the question about your race, checked other, then wrote in human we would decrease our emphasis on the competition of racial distinction and balance out and harmonize as members of the "human race".  Novel and nurturing idea.

A member of the human race!

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