Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Righteousness of Peace

Peace is the cry of the World all around
The varied ways to achieve it are everywhere found
While peace talks are held in a harbor of pearls
Plans for war in the other's heart twirls

Peace after all is elusive at best
When the heart is nit at rest
Deceit and maneuvers the day manipulates
The night plans the head he decapitates

He told me I had no peace and I needed some
He shouted it at me, I  mused myself to unwind
The one who has peace is calmer after all
Where the frightened soul by his anger is blind

The trick is so clearly divine
to give up my life without losing it in time
It is the fragmented pieces in the mind of hatred
That must be sacrificed to the power of red

Patience and perspective win out over time
The way of peace is to put all hostility and war too bed!
What brings peace is not military or police at night
It comes when all hearts in compassion are right

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