Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Peace a new movement in the making, author people all over the world

I have not posted on this blog for sometime but am having a renewed interest in sowing peace in the world.  This blog is a way to do it.

I am excited about some ideas that seem to be congruent with others that our day is a day of God doing a new thing as we are willing to look at old things in new ways.

Peace ripplers are away of doing it.  Drops of water that make up the power of a tsunami like thoughts are what makes up a tsunami of peace.  Droplets of peace ripplers dropped into one another's lives.  Sowing peace in the presence of all things is a win win.

Several years ago I spoke at a conference and used the imagery of pieces of a quilt paralleling all the pieces or parts of humanity connected and intersecting one another in one way or another in a tapestry of peace.

Pieces of a quilt represent the diversities of humanity connected by the thread of kindness and compassion. Negativity has the potential to cripple the peace ripplers but we will not be deterred.

Drops of peace creating ripples of peace on their way to waves of kindness on their way to a tsunami of compassion and calmness throughout the world.

Last week the world was suppose to come to an end according to one individual ho did have a lot of followers.  There are some things that never change.  One of them is that people want to believe that the world of hurt and pain will be over and the world millennium of peace and love will be ushered in.  Still others seem to rejoice in the death of people who are un-believers.  Like I mourned a few weeks ago when Osama bib Laden was shot, I mourned that anyone would delight in another’s demise.  Yet rejoice they do and predict they will.

I noticed a billboard in the background when CNN was showing all the bill boards lining the highway about the end of the world.  I thought how thoughtful, creative, true and respectful this person was to put this up as a billboard.  I thought, in the midst of hatred and disrespectfulness sow truth and grace as a contributor to  peace.

I put a made up copy of that billboard below with no comment except thank you to the person who visioned it and did it and to the Spirit of Truth and Grace in him that is the heart and soul of true Christianity.

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